Our advanced x-ray inspection systems can inspect fresh, frozen, and pre-cooked fish, plus shellfish and other seafood.
The high-resolution G120 OS FISH system is the most innovative fish x-ray inspection system on the market with high sensitivity for fishbone detection as small as 0.1mm. The software takes into account the natural muscle patterns in fish which would otherwise lead to false rejects.
We also offer in-line and end-of-line x-ray inspection solutions for loose bulk flow fish, formed fish (e.g. fish fingers), tinned fish, packaged fish, and ready meals containing fish.
A key advantage of a Sapphire x-ray system is the ability to detect bones in fish (something which a metal detector cannot do).
In addition, a Sapphire inspection system can conduct multiple inspections from one machine to confirm product quality and detect both metal and non-metal contaminants.
End-of-line inspection can be conducted by an x-ray system regardless of the type of packaging; for example, an x-ray can inspect fish contained in metal and foil packaging (whereas a metal detector cannot).