Our red meat x-ray inspection systems can help you achieve high product quality and safety through our many unique algorithms that enable multiple inspections from one machine. We offer x-ray solutions for pipeline meat with the G70, systems for loose and packaged meat with the G20 and G40, and systems for tinned meat with the G30.
In-line and end-of-line x-ray systems have differing hygiene requirements. Our team can advise you on machine specifications and modifications to meet standards up to IP69K, for the highest hygiene and washdown capabilities. For more information, contact us.
X-ray can detect glass, stone, and other non-metal contaminants in addition to metal (whereas a metal detector cannot).
A Sapphire Inspection x-ray system can also conduct end-of-line inspection regardless of packaging material; for example, an x-ray can inspect red meat contained in metal and foil packaging (a metal detector cannot).