We understand that dairy manufacturers face fast production rates, stringent hygiene standards, and the threat of recall. Our x-ray inspection systems meet the highest hygiene standards and can be adapted to fit the requirements of your production lines with inspection options for loose dairy products, packaged dairy products, and liquid dairy items.
Through contaminant detection and various product conformity checks, x-ray systems can enhance product safety and quality, protecting your relationships with customers. The flexibility of dairy inspection that a Sapphire x-ray system provides is illustrated below (Dairy X-ray Applications).
A dairy x-ray inspection system offers more sophistication than a metal detector because x-ray allows multiple inspections to be conducted by one machine, enhancing product quality and enabling detection of metal and non-metal contaminants.
End-of-line x-ray inspection is possible on packaged dairy goods, regardless of packaging materials; x-ray can inspect items with metal and foil packaging (whereas metal detectors cannot).
Cheese photo by Alexander Maasch on Unsplash